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Team Yellow invade HQ

Team Yellow invade HQ

Andrew Davis11 Nov 2013 - 19:01

Camberleys Dads, Coaches and Vets invade Twickenham for a fantastic day out. ( Written by IAN RUSSEL )

So the sun sets on another epic day out where the Camberley Warrior class of 2013 took Twickers Karaoke by storm.

A note for those that arrived early & left late, those who arrived late and left early, those that arrived late and left early and finally those that didn’t arrive at all ;-) Your all part of team “YELLOW”

From the specially organised “Port Express” (thanks to Blunders, Beester, Streaky & all who bought and gave generously of their port) that whisked us to Twickers station via Ascot to arrive safely at The Cabbage Patch all still intact.

To Breakfast, a fabulous affair of dripping laden fried bread and quantities of black Irish tea to wash it all down with. Trotting along nicely with a game of heads and tails; Well done to Ferney (£80 & tour poppy buyer), Twocan (£50) and Silverback (£30) and a MAGNIFICENT £400 raised to help the club that gives our children young and old a place to be. THANK YOU 1 & ALL.

So food consumed we moved to the serious art of drinking and putting the world to rights, with the top bar being ours we were only disturbed by Paddy, Bambi and Hangover arriving to stunned silence and a down in one on Guinness, painful but manfully dealt with, well done men. The plan to move on at 12 noon was achieved and saw the cloud of yellow move off down the high street to many an envious look.

Arriving at the ground confusion reigned (or was it rained) as Donks and a number of others heady on the cocktail of fried brekky and Guiness felt the wise choice of drinks under cover should be given up as it was looking decidedly bright and we should all go to the outside Guinness bar. 20 minutes later resembling a group of drowning yellow rats we entered Twickers for a slightly damp pint & more.

Who brought their peg bag with them? Genius, as the tone was quickly set for getting larger quantities of beer down people for some very funny consequences.

The game was played and we won.

After a great deal of fannying around the bulk of the YELLOW WARRIORS assembled at the SCRUM BAR karaoke under the guidance of NADGE, it’s just possible the fine vocal performance of the Camberley crew could lead to record contracts and riches beyond belief. The last comment from an innocent bystander as the karaoke came to an end was;

"CAMBERLEY ROCK” who am I to disagree?

From the “oops up side your head” boat song to Sgt Tackleberry and Tricky trying to put Shiny Tops head through one of the ventilation ducts and the generous application of beer shampoo what a fine group we were.

The karaoke sadly ended and saying goodbye, until next season, we bade the balding skeletor, who made us dance a sing, a fond farewell. He will surely miss us until the next time.

The group, shorn of a common goal, now splintered with the first phase of Manzil’s disciples heading for the train whilst the remainder worshiped at the font of The Cabbage.

To make a long drivel slightly shorter the final group of 11 made it to Manzils in dribs and drabs around 10 ish to round off a fine day.

Hopefully everyone had a good time and perhaps now, while we all bask in the glow of a job well done, is a good time to tell you about next seasons fixture.

Next season the Autumn international we are doing for the Dad’s, Coaches & VET’s day out is against Western Samoa and is on Saturday the 22nd of November, shall I take deposits?????

Cheers everyone!

Ian Russell

Further reading