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60 Seconds with… Jay Wilcox

60 Seconds with… Jay Wilcox

Comms Rugby - Matt Searle4 Sep 2023 - 09:45

Meet our brand new Chair of Rugby!

What’s your role at the rugby club?

Newly appointed Rugby Chair following 4 years as Mini Rugby Chair. Currently commencing 2nd year as U12 girls lead coach having coached age grade rugby from Kinders.

And what does that mean?

The Rugby Chair sits on the executive committee within the club and is responsible for providing vision, direction and leadership to ensure we create the correct environment on the pitch that reflects our values.

I'll be chairing rugby committee meetings throughout the season with the senior Directors of Rugby, coaching coordinator, coaches, academy and community officers as well as section leads for youth and minis. I’m looking forward to continuing the work of Roger Wood in recent years to bring our whole club together in relation to player and coach pathways.

Why did you choose to get involved?

I've played rugby since the mid 80's, school, club, and county before playing for the police from the late 90's up until the demise of force rugby some 15 years ago. Family then took over, rightly so, and my first two daughters have absolutely no interest in this great sport. It wasn't until the arrival of my 3rd daughter Amberley, someone who it became clear needed to get out onto the pitch ASAP that I started coming along to the club. I very quickly remembered why I love the game, on and off the pitch. The Thursday night touch group epitomise this more than anyone when I manage to get along. A lot of laughter, some occasional glimpses of what we could once do in our prime and friendship, which then provides support both on and off the pitch. Within weeks I jumped at the opportunity to coach and the last eight years at the club have been a blur and I love it ?

What were your first impressions of the club?

So welcoming, real values, instant friendships and a lot of hard-working volunteers.

What’s the best aspect of the club?

Certainly, in the lower age grades in my time at the club it has to be the complete inclusivity we've experienced as a family, as well as the compliance with the England Rugby TREDS values. No child will be turned away, no waiting lists, everyone gets a game.

Then you have the amazing volunteers who without them, we couldn't function. Many giving up hours and hours a week to run our club. I must name check my wife Rachel at this point, our club’s "Rugby Safe" lead ?.

If you could change one aspect of the club, what would it be, and why?

I think the need and want for more volunteers has been well documented so I would like to focus on what I see as a "gap" between those members who have been at our club for, in some cases 50 plus years, and newbies like myself. Too often an assumption is made that you know who someone is or are aware of a good practice from years gone by yet I've no idea. Experience and knowledge sharing are key. Hopefully this feature will help.

What’s your best memory at the rugby club?

I have a couple. I loved attending the game at Medway the season before last which led to celebrations on promotion. Also, walking around our festival with Eddie Jones, (before we knew he was sabotaging the England boys!) was a pretty special experience. Seeing the reaction of our visitors was awesome.

Describe the rugby club in three words

Ambitious, welcoming, challenging.

Who else would you like to see featured in our “60 seconds with…” series?

Based on my earlier response, I would like to see Roger Berry featured. I read his match report weekly, strongly suspect I have spoken with him on a Saturday, maybe even shared a beer, but who is he??? ?

Further reading