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200 Club

200 Club

Comms Rugby - Matt Searle22 Jul - 16:55
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Details of our monthly fundraising prize draw

Our 200 Club is a fundraising initiative run by the rugby club in which members can participate in a monthly and Christmas prize draw. The cost is just £2 per month for each number taken and 50% of ALL the money received is paid out in three cash prizes following each prize draw. The balance is then made available to the rugby club.

How to join

If you want to join the 200 Club and take part in the prize draws, the easiest way by far, is for you to use online banking and set up a standing order (of either £2:00 per month or £24:00 per annum for each number you wish to have in the prize draws). The Standing Order should be set up in favour of:

Account name: Camberley Rugby Football Club 200 Club
BSCN: 60 04 20
Account number: 01440039

Please don’t forget this is a business account and not a personal one when setting up the Standing Order.

Once this has been done, please then email Chris ( and let him know how much you are paying and when and he will let you know your number(s) and include it/them in the prize draws. Unfortunately, the 200 Club bank account does not have online banking and so he will also need your address to send the winning cheque to.

Further reading